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Flags of the International Congresses of Vexillology [1]

Congresses 1-10

Last modified: 2024-08-24 by rob raeside
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See also:


Congress place: Muiderberg / Netherlands
Congress period: 4-September-1965 to 5-September-1965
Congress organizer: Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldik
Congress flag:

[flag of ICV 1] image by Jens Pattke

The first International Congress of Vexillology in Muiderberg flag combined the symbols of the both organizations leading at that time. On the canton of the flag of the Dutch organization "Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldik" (by K.Siersma) it was put the symbol of the North American organization "Flag Research Center" (by W.Smith).

Source: Roberto Breschi Jens Pattke, 18 January 2005

The proceedings were published as "Receuil des discours banistiques à l’occasion du premier Congrès International de l’Etude Scientifique des Drapeaux, le 4me et 5me septembre à Muiderberg, Pays-Bas (Muiderberg: Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek, 1966)."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024


Congress place: Zurich / Switzerland
Congress period: 1-September-1967 to 3-September-1967
Congress organizer: Gilde der Züricher Heraldiker / Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Fahnen- und Flaggenkunde
Congress flag:

[flag of ICV 2] image by Jens Pattke

The proceedings were published as "Receuil de IIe Congrès international de vexillologie, Zurich 1967 (Zurich: Société Suisse de Vexillologie, 1968)."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024


Congress place: Boston / USA
Congress period: 5-September-1969 to 7-September-1969
Congress organizer: The Flag Research Center / Heraldry Society of Canada / North American Vexillological Association / United States Flag Foundation
Congress flag:

[flag of ICV 3] image by Jens Pattke

The proceedings were published as "Report of the Third International Congress of Vexillology (Winchester, Mass.: Flag Research Center, 1969) in the Flag Bulletin X:2-3 (1971). FIAV’s request to publish the papers from the Flag Bulletin on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024


Congress place: Turin / Italy
Congress period: 24-June-1971 to 27-June-1971
Congress organizer: Accademia di San Marciano, Sezione Vessillologica
Congress flag:

[flag of ICV 4] image by Jens Pattke

This flag has a blue field with a yellow vertical stripe along the hoist ans a yellow inverted chevron (V-shaped stripe) covering most of the fly area of the flag. The width of the vertical stripe and each arm of the "V" is 1/6th of the flag's length. The cypher "IV" and the letters "I"and "V" represent the fact that it is the _Fourth_ Congress of _I_nternational _V_exillology. The colour of the flag, blue and yellow, represent the City of Turin, the flag of the F.I.A.V., and the host -- the Academy of San Marciano. Attached to the flag pole immediately above the flag are two blue cravats fringed in gold, carrying on one the inscription "4º Congresso Internazionale di Vessillologia" ("4th. International Congress of Vexillology"), and on the other, "Torino 24-27 guigno 1971") ("Turin 24-27 June 1971"). This flag was designed by Aldo Zigioto.
Mark Sensen, 24 August 2003

TThe proceedings were published as "IVe Congrès international de vexillologie, Torino, 24-27 juin 1971 : recueil / organisé par l’Accademia di San Marciano, Torino [Vexilla italica : Numero speciale 1975] (Turin : Centro Italiano di studi Vessillologici, 1975) edited by Aldo Ziggioto et al."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024

ICV 55

Congress place: London / United Kingdom
Congress period: 13-September-1973 to 18-September-1973
Congress organizer: The Flag Institute
CCongress flag:

[flag of ICV 5] image by Jorge Candeias, 5 August 2005

The proceedings were never published as a single volume. Some of the papers are linked here; some were published in other venues, as shown below; yet others remain unpublished.
"Of the ten papers presented at the Congress, three have been published in the Flag Bulletin and seven have not been published anywhere. FI could not find a copy of the following four unpublished papers: (1) H. Michael Madaus, "The Evolution of the Color Guard in the US Army"; (2) C. Pama, "Republic Flags in South Africa in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries"; (3) Georges Pasch, "Les fonctions du drapeaux et le développement de la conscience socio-politique”; and (4) J.H. Rombach & Klaes Sierksma, "Les drapeaux officiels aux Pays-Bas." If anyone has a copy of one of these papers, please contact FI. The remaining three unpublished papers found by FI will be published on FI's website along with a list of the papers published in the Flag Bulletin and the names of the four papers that could not be found. This will conclude the publication of the ICV 5 proceedings." (Info-FIAV 24/2007, p. 8). The Flag Institute managed to locate some in the meantime and shall publish them on line soon.

Unfortunately, FIAV’s request to publish the papers from the Flag Bulletin on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024

ICV 66

Congress place: IJsselmeer / Netherlands
Congress period: 16-April-1975 to 20-April-1975
Congress organizer: Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek
CCongress flag:

[flag of ICV 6] image by Jens Pattke

The proceedings were published as "Recueil, Congrès international de vexillologie VI, aux Pays-Bas, 16–20 Avril 1975 (Muiderberg: Editions SHB, 1975) edited by Klaes Sierksma et al."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024

ICV 77

Congress place: Washington / USA
Congress period: 10-April-1977 to 14-April-1977
Congress organizer: The Flag Research Center / North American Vexillological Association
CCongress flag:

[flag of ICV 7] image by Jens Pattke

The proceedings were published in Flag Bulletin #84 (vol. XIX, issues 3-5).

Unfortunately, FIAV’s request to publish the papers on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024

ICV 88

Congress place: Vienna / Austria
Congress period: 26-April-1979 to 29-April-1979
Congress organizer: Gesellschaft für Österreichische Heereskunde
Congress flag:

[flag of ICV 8] image by JJens Pattke

The proceedings were published as "Beiträge–Communications–Papers, 8. Internationaler Kongres für
Vexillologie—8th International Congress of Vexillology–8e Congres international de veillologie (Vienna: Gesellschaft für Österreichische Heereskunde, 1979)."
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024

ICV 99

Congress place: Ottawa / Canada
Congress period: 24-August-1981 to 28-August-1981
Congress organizer: The Flag Research Center/ Heraldry Society of Canada, North American Vexillological Association
Congress flag:

[flag of ICV 9] image by Clay Moss,, July 2018

The building featured on the maple leaf is the Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings, the symbol of Ottawa, and the site of the meeting.

The proceedings were never published as a single volume. Some papers were presented in the Flag Bulletin and NAVA News (see NAVA News No. 207, July-September 2010, p. 11 (, and Info-FIAV 32, p. 5 ( )).
Unfortunately, FIAV’s request to publish the papers from the Flag Bulletin on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center.
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024

ICV 100

Congress place: Oxford / United Kingdom
Congress period: 25-September-1983 to 30-September-1983
Congress organizer: The Flag Institute / Heraldry Society, Flag Section
Congress flag:

[flag of ICV 10] image by JJens Pattke

The proceedings were published as Report of the 10th International Congress of Vexillology in Flag Bulletin 26 (1-3).

Unfortunately, FIAV’s request to publish the papers from the Flag Bulletin on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center.
Esteban Rivera, 9 July 2024

ICV information compiled by: Jens Pattke, 19-23 August 2003