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Dictionary of Vexillology: D (Dharma Chakra - Dipping)

Last modified: 2024-08-31 by rob raeside
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See ‘chakra’.

[Dharma Chakra]
Commander in Chief of the Army (1938), Thailand (fotw)

A triangular flag or pennant usually (but not invariably) containing seven red/orange over white horizontal stripes whose lower edge is traditionally set at right angles to the hoist, and symbolic of Hinduism (see also ‘pavon’ ‘prayer flag’ and ‘religious flag’).

[Hindu dhvaja] [Hindu dhvaja] [Hindu dhvaja]
Dhvajas of the Hindus (Zeljko Heimer & CS)

"Dhvaja" is the Sanskrit word for “flag” and the examples shown above are flown on festivals and other special occasions to mark the victory of Sanatana Dharma, however, pennants dedicated to individual gods within the Hindu pantheon are also sometimes seen.
b) The word is sometimes pronounced as d’vahjah, but other pronunciations exist.

See ‘bicolour 1)', (also ‘triangular panel 2)’).

Lanzerote, Spain Papua New Guinea
Flag of Lanzarote, Spain (fotw); National Flag, Papua New Guinea (fotw)

See ‘saltire’.

Flag of Pont-à-Celles, Belgium (fotw)

See ‘flag for slanted display’.

Flag of the Army For Slanted Display, Bolivia (fotw & CS)

In heraldry see ‘inbend’ and ‘inbendsinister’.

[diagaonally disposed charge] [diagaonally disposed charge] [diagaonally disposed charge]
Flag of Nidfurn, Switzerland (fotw); Flag of Bettenhausen, Switzerland (fotw); Flag of Luzein, Switzerland (Wikipedia & fotw)

See ‘multi-stripe’.

Honnelles, Belgium Ommelanden, Netherlands
Flag Flag of Honnelles, Belgium (fotw); Flag of Ommelanden, The Netherlands (fotw)

In vexillology and heraldry see ‘Appendix IX’ (also ‘triband’ and ‘tricolour’).

diagonal stripes diagonal stripes diagonal stripes
National Flag, The Congo (fotw); Flag of Colomera, Spain (fotw); National Flag, Tanzania (fotw)

See ‘triband 1)’ with its following note b) and ‘Appendix IX’ (also ‘triangular panel 2)’).

Cruzaltense, Brazil Picada Café, Brazil
Flag of Cruzaltense, Brazil (fotw); Flag of Picada Café, Brazil (fotw)

See ‘tricolour 1)' and its following note c) (also ‘triangular panel 2)’).

Flor do Sertão, Brazil Porto de Moz, Braziil Ciríaco, Brazil
Flag of Flor do Sertão, Brazil (fotw); Flag of Porto de Moz, Brazil (fotw); Flag of Ciríaco, Brazil (fotw)

See ‘lozenge 1)’.

[diamond example] Colniza, Brazil Paranaguá, Brazil
Flag of Mato Grosso, Brazil (fotw); Flag of Colniza, Brazil (fotw); Flag of Paranaguá, Brazil (fotw)

See ‘lozengethroughout’.

[diamond example] [diamond example] [diamond example]
House Flags of Michael Jebsen & Co., Germany, Hollandscheveld, The Netherlands and of the Andresen Shipping Company, Portugal (fotw)

1) (v) On flags, to create a variation of another flag, either by changing one or more colours, or their sequence, and/or by adding or removing a charge. Usually done to indicate close cultural, historical, or geographic ties – see note a) below (also ‘core flag’, ‘flag family’, ‘label 2)’ and ‘template flag’).
2) In heraldry, see ‘cadency, mark of’ and note c) below.
3) See ‘marks of difference 1)

[France] [Italy] [Russia] [Bulgaria]
National Flag of France (fotw); National Flag of Italy (fotw); National flag of Russia (fotw); National Flag of Bulgaria

a) As examples and with regard to 1), the flags of Italy and Bulgaria were differenced from those of France and of Russia by changing the blue stripes to green, whilst as further examples:
b) The flag of Slovakia was differenced from the Russian tricolour by the addition of a charge, and that of Serbia by the reversal of its colour sequence – see ‘pan-Slavic colours’.
c) Regarding 2), in heraldry the terms difference and differencing may not have exactly the same meaning, that these terms do not necessarily equate directly with cadency as shown above and that we therefore suggest a dictionary or glossary on heraldry should be consulted for further details.

See ‘square-tongued’.

Venice, Italy
Flag of Venice, Italy (fotw)

The actual measured size of a flag, or of a charge thereon, as opposed to its proportions (see also ‘proportions’, ‘rectangle’, ‘specification’, and ‘specification sheet’,).

example of dimensions

(adj) The heraldic term for a charge or charges, such as animals, birds (particularly eagles) or fleur-de-lis, forming part of a coat of arms, or an entire coat of arms as defined herein, which are halved along the vertical centre line of a shield, banner of arms or a flag – but see ‘conjoined’ and ‘demi’ (also ‘coat of arms 2)’, ‘entire 1)’ and ‘impale’).

[dimidiated flags] [dimidiated flags] [dimidated flags]
Flag of Nysa, Poland (fotw); Flag of Geneva, Switzerland (fotw); Flag of the Cinque Ports, UK (fotw)

Please note, however, that where two sets of dimidiated arms or any elements thereof are set side by side in heraldic terms they are said to be ‘impaled by dimidiation’, and that (whilst this is often the case) one dimidiated charge, or set of dimidiated arms, need not necessarily be set beside another so halved (as per the example shown above) – see ‘entire 1)’ (also ‘conjoined’).

See ‘dimidiated’ and following note above.

dimidiation example dimidiation example
Arms and Flag of Kornowac, Poland (fotw)

In US usage the practice, almost certainly obsolete, of flying a white flag from the starboard yardarm (or spreader) of a pleasure vessel when the owner is dining, and from the port yardarm when the crew are at meals – but see ‘meal pennant’ (also ‘guest on board flag’, ‘owner absent flag’ and ‘yardarm’).

Dinner flag
Dinner Flag, US (fotw)

(adj) The naval term for when a flag or pennant is flown in the half-mast position - see ‘dipping 2)’ and its second note (also ‘code pennant’, ‘close up’ and ‘half mast’).

Please note that the usual protocol with regard to flying a flag in the half-mast position on land is not followed at sea.

Those distinguishing flags that are flown by the officers of a country’s diplomatic services (consular or ambassadorial) either ashore or afloat - an ambassadorial, ambassador’s, consul’s, consular or consular officer’s flag (see also ‘distinguishing flag 1)’ and ‘distinguishing jack’.

[diplomatic flags] [diplomatic flags] [diplomatic flags]
Ambassador’s Flags – UK, Thailand and Gambia (fotw)

Please note that these flags are not generally flown outside embassies or consulates (although they may be), but are more usually seen ashore as car flags, within diplomatic premises and/or outside the residences of ambassadors or consuls, or they may be flown from the main masthead or a jack staff of a vessel carrying a diplomatic or consular officer when afloat (see also ‘car flag’, ‘jack staff’, ‘main’ and ‘masthead’).

1) On parade, a method of saluting with a flag in which the staff is lowered by inclining the staff forward then returning it to the original upright position, with the degree of such lowering being governed by national regulations or custom, and ranging from a slight inclination to dropping the head of the staff all the way to the ground or vailing – see ‘vailing’ (also ‘colour 2)’, ‘colours 2)’, 'parade flag', ‘pike’, ‘staff 2)’ ‘trailing 1’ and ‘trooping the colour’). When multiple flags are carried, which (if any) are dipped in salute generally depends on the status of the person or entity being saluted, dipping customs vary widely, however, and in some countries, the national flag is never dipped, while in others it may be dipped in salute to a head of state or other specified high dignitaries.
2) (v) At sea, a method of saluting with a flag whereby the ensign is lowered about one width from the truck of the ensign staff (or one-third the length of the halyard if flying at the gaff or yardarm) and then re-hoisted to its original position (see also ‘ensign’, ‘ensign staff’, ‘gaff’, ‘halyard’. and ‘yardarm’).
3) See ‘trailing’.
[diplomatic flags]

A warship will never dip its ensign to another vessel (whether warship or merchantman) but will invariably return the salute when offered by a merchant vessel - a courtesy that (whilst formerly given as a matter of course) is rarely seen today – and that that warships only return salutes from the ships of countries recognized by their own government. Saluting between warships not wearing the flag of a flag officer or a broad pennant is carried out by bosun’s call or bugle, and when flag officers meet at sea they salute each other with the appropriate number of guns, although usually only by prior arrangement (see also 'flag of command', ‘flag officer’, ‘gun salute’ and ‘private ship’).
b) At sea a manoeuvring signal will be dipped by the flagship when it has been acknowledged, and signifies that the signal is to be executed, however, an answering or code pennant flown at the dip in response to a hoist from the flagship, indicates that the signal is not understood - an answering pennant flown close-up confirms that the signal has been received and understood (see also ‘code pennant’, ‘close-up’, ‘dip, at the’, ‘hoist 2)’ and ‘signal flag’).

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