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Dictionary of Vexillology: S (Statant - Staynande Colours)

Last modified: 2024-08-10 by rob raeside
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The heraldic term used when an animal is depicted on all four feet standing still whilst facing the dexter – but see ‘passant’ and the notes below (also‘dexter’).

[statant example] statant example statant example
Flag of Lyngdal, Norway (fotw); Flag of Mitteldithmarschen, Germany (fotw); Flag of Morαvka, Czechia (fotw)

a) A creature that is shown with one hoof or paw raised should be blazoned “passant” as referenced above.
b) In modern heraldry the term is sometimes also applied to two-legged-creatures such as birds.

See under ‘arms’.

[Chile arms] [New York State] [Alabama arms]
State/National Arms of Chile (fotw); Flag of the State of New York, U.S. (fotw); Arms of The State of Alabama, US (fotw)

1) See ‘national colours’ and ‘colours 4)’.
2) A special mark of distinction carried by some foot regiments of the British Brigade of Guards – but see ‘second colour’ (also 'colour 2)', ‘colours 2)’ and ‘royal standard 3)’).
3) The colours selected by a sub-national entity – particularly if the entity is called a “state” - as representative of that entity – colours of the stat of or landesfarben (see also ‘livery colours’, ‘state flag 2)’, ‘state symbols 2)’ and ‘sub-national flag’).
4) In US military usage a term, now obsolete, for one of the colours carried by a unit of state militia or volunteers (usually when mustered into federal service) as the second colour along with a national colour of the same design as that used by regiments of the regular army.

[State colours]  [State colours]  [State colours]
Naval Ensign and National Colours of Italy, Colours of the State of New Mexico, US

See ‘emblem state, or national or royal’ under ‘emblem’.

[State emblem] [State emblem]
State Emblem of Turkmenistan (fotw); State/National Emblem of North Korea (fotw)

1) See ‘government ensign’ under 'ensign'.
2) A term used to denote that flag flown on vessels operated by the government agencies of a sub national entity – but see ‘admiralty flag 2)’ (also ‘state flag 2)’) .

[State ensign - Belgium] [State ensign - Hamburg]
State/Government Ensign of Belgium (fotw); State Ensign of Hamburg, Germany (fotw)

1) A variant of the national flag (or occasionally a completely different design) which is restricted by law or custom (theoretically or actually) to use by a country's government, and can often differ from the national flag by the addition of a coat of arms or emblem – the government flag or federal service flag (see also ‘civil flag’, ‘coat of arms’, ‘emblem, national’ and ‘national flag’, together with ‘government ensign’ and ‘naval ensign’ listed under ‘ensign’).
2) See ‘flag of the state of’ and the note below.

[Peru] [Austria] [Lithuania]
State Flag of Peru (fotw); State Flag of Poland (fotw); State Flag of Lithuania (fotw)

Please note with regard to 2), that that the sub-national flag of a state (such as those of the US) should always referred to as “the flag of the state of” as referenced above to avoid confusion with 1).

See ‘military crest’.

[Nebraska crest]
State Military Crest of Nebraska, US (fotw)

1) See ‘seal of the state of’.
2) See ‘seal’.

[Utah seal] [state seal] [Northern Marianas seal]
Seal of the State of Utah, US (fotw); Flag of the South Dakota, U.S. (fotw); State Seal of the Northern Mariana Islands (fotw)

1) A term describing those flags of German and Austrian states - or Länder - that are intended for official as opposed to civil use (see also ‘ceremonial flag 1)’, ‘flag of the state of’, ‘official flag 2)’ and ‘sub-national flag’ with following notes).
2) See ‘federal service flag’.

[State Service Flag of Saxony] [Civil Flag of Saxony] [State Service Flag of Styria]
The State Service Flag and Civil Flag of Saxony, Germany (fotw); The State Service Flag of Styria, Austria (fotw)

1) See ‘national symbols’.
2) Those things, often established by law, which have been adopted as being symbolic of a sub-national entity particularly when that entity is called a state, these may include the flag of the state, and the state coat of arms or emblem, the state colours and possibly a motto, a plant, an animal and/or a bird etc (see also ‘flag of the state of’ and ‘state colours 2)’).

[New Mexico state symbol] [New Mexico state symbol] [New Mexico state symbol]
Some Symbols of the State of New Mexico, US: Flag of the State, State Seal and State Colours (fotw, ICH and CS)

A direct translation of the German term Reichskriegsflagge, and referring to the war flags in use from 1935 to 1945 - see ‘war flag 1)’ and ‘war flag 2)’ (also 'imperial war ensign’).

[New Mexico state symbol]  [New Mexico state symbol]
Reichskriegsflaggen/State War Flags of Germany 1935 – 1938 and 1938 – 1945 (fotw)

A heavy high mast supported by means of stay cables. Stayed masts are often erected at sea training establishments with proper main and top yards for seamanship training purposes or at yacht clubs, and are fitted with a main yard gaff for the hoisting of an ensign (see also ‘ensign’, ‘gaff’, ‘peak’, ‘sailor’s mast’ and ‘yard’).

In heraldry see ‘abatements’ (also ‘stains’ and its following note).

[lion couard]
Lion couard denoting cowardice or dishonour (Wikipedia)

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